Friday, October 16, 2009

I may have been on the set of a Twilight movie

(bird eating starfish)

(nanaimo bar)

(black squirrel? what are these darn things--they appear all over Stanley Park)

(the first glimpse of a set in the park. i then look over and they are creating smoke with a machine, and marking x's on the ground, i'm assuming for the actors)

Hello family and friends,

Yesterday was a gorgeous day (i.e. it was not raining!) so I took the opportunity to visit Canada's biggest park- Stanley Park. I walked the Seawall loop (about 6 miles) and got 360 degree gorgeous views of North Vancouver and West Side. But boy was I tired! I also saw a movie set in the distance and got really excited to see someone famous (I know, I know!) I walked past a huge group of set employees and directors/people on director chairs and basically weaved through the crowd, since it is a public park and they were taking up part of a trail. Anyway, alas, to no avail. No celebrities to be seen. I did hear, however, that Eclipse (one of the Twilight books) is being filmed in Stanley Park.

(On Granville Island in the huge public market with TONS of baked goods, breads, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, bagels, so much delicious food!)

(Pizza sold by weight from downtown Vancouver at Sciue. Was delish!)

(at Stanley Park- the maiden is supposed to represent Canada's dependence on its water. that's a seagull on her head...)

Today I awoke to downpour. I was not too enthused to set about the day traipsing throughout the city in my thin parka. I made my way out to Granville Island to the bountiful marketplace that has all of Vancouver's residents gathering and shopping for their fresh, local groceries. It was delightful. I bought a salmon roll (puff pastry with a salmon mixture in the middle) and a nanoima bar (a Canadian specialty with a layer of dark chocolate over a layer of custard over a coconut, chocolate crust).

I also visited the Vancouver musuem, rode an aquabus (mini-ferry), window-shopped in the hip, rich Kitsilano neighborhood, and much more. I'm pretty physically tired.

Oh, for those who wonder how my research is doing, it is going well.

A few pieces of good news:
1. I got my official job offer for the NPS in Oakland and I accepted.
2. I'm going to be living for a few days on a family farm in Southlands in a couple of weeks and helping them, and in exchange i get my own room and bathroom! yay.

Miss you all. Ciao.


  1. You should stalk the actors for me, and tell Rob Pattinson I said heyyyyyyyyyyy. HAHAH. Congrats on the job! It sounds like you're having such a great time, and I'm so jealous. MISS YOU! <3

  2. rommie come back! :) lets go eat sushi!!! ill b waiting for you!! ;)
    congrats on the job again.
